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How to Use Pinterest for Trend and Local Keyword Research

How to Use Pinterest for Trend and Local Keyword Research


Pinterest is a really good platform to discover trends and research local keywords for your business. With a thriving community of over 460 million users, Pinterest is not just a platform for finding creative inspiration; it’s a powerful tool for businesses. Read on to learn how to leverage the platform to your advantage! We’ll show you how to use Pinterest for trend and local keyword research - so you can use Pinterest to fuel your growth.

Step 1: Set up your business account on Pinterest. Make sure to verify your website to gain access to valuable analytics and other features for business accounts!

Step 2: Explore Pinterest’s search function. The search bar on Pinterest functions similarly to search engines. It allows users to explore trends, popular topics, and more! Familiarize yourself with Pinterest’s search engine by typing a keyword related to your local area or industry into the search bar; notice how Pinterest auto-suggests related keywords. These suggestions can give you insights into what people are searching for on the platform!

Step 3: Discover trending ideas and topics. To see a list of trending topics and search terms, click on the search bar without entering anything. These can provide valuable insights into what people are currently interested in.

You can also explore the "Popular" tab to discover trending pins, boards, and profiles related to your industry or local area.

Pro tip: As you’re browsing, pay attention to the "Related Pins" section on pins that are relevant to your business. These can help you uncover related trends and keywords for your own posts!

Step 4: Analyze your competitors’ Pinterest boards and pins. To do trend research for your brand, you don’t need to start from scratch. Look for influential pinners and boards within your industry or local area, and take a look at their boards to identify recurring themes, popular keywords, and trends. Also, pay attention to the number of followers, repins, and comments on popular pins! This way, you can gauge the popularity of different keywords or topics.

Step 5: Leverage Pinterest analytics to gain insights into your own pin performance, audience demographics, and interests. Then, analyze the engagement and reach of your pins to identify successful keywords and trends within your target audience.

Step 6: Conduct keyword research using the search bar. As we noted earlier, you can type in terms related to your business to see what else pops up (just like on Google)! Take note of popular pins, boards, and profiles that appear in the search results - you can get valuable inspiration and insights from them. And pay attention to the descriptions and titles of popular pins. These can provide inspiration for incorporating local keywords into your content and website.

Pro tip: Create boards or pins that are focused on local topics or events to increase your visibility within your community.

Step 7: Create engaging content. Based on the insights gathered from your Pinterest research, you can now create high-quality, visually appealing content that incorporates relevant local keywords and trending topics! Don’t forget to optimize your pin descriptions and titles with targeted keywords to improve their visibility in Pinterest's search results. And make sure you pin consistently and engage with other pinners to build a strong presence within your industry or local area.

Overall, Pinterest is the perfect tool to find inspiration while conducting research and identifying trends. Now, you can leverage Pinterest's search functionality, analyze boards and pins, utilize Pinterest Analytics, and create engaging content to stay ahead of the curve. Happy pinning!

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