Constant Contact + Synup

Supercharge your review acquisition and management strategy by integrating Constant Contact’s influential email marketing solutions with Synup’s advanced review optimization expertise.

What is Constant Contact?

Constant Contact is a formidable email marketing platform that offers businesses an array of tools to create effective email campaigns, manage contacts, and analyze results, promoting enhanced engagement and conversion rates.

Why Constant Contact + Synup?

  • Engaging Review Invitations: Utilize Constant Contact’s rich design tools to craft visually appealing and engaging review solicitation emails that captivate customers’ attention.
  • Strategic Review Campaigns: Benefit from Constant Contact’s segmentation and targeting functionalities to launch review campaigns that resonate with diverse customer experiences and preferences.
  • Automated Review Solicitations: Leverage the automation features of Constant Contact to deliver timely and relevant review requests, enhancing response rates and the quality of feedback received.
  • Review Analytics and Insights: Integrate Synup’s analytic capabilities to harvest detailed insights into the performance of review solicitation campaigns, enabling data-driven strategy enhancements.
  • Continuous Review Nurturing: Employ Constant Contact’s follow-up tools to nurture ongoing relationships with reviewers, fostering an environment conducive to receiving continuous, valuable feedback.
  • Holistic Review Management: By marrying Synup’s tools with Constant Contact, achieve a holistic view and management of reviews, allowing for streamlined operations and strategy refinement.

The fusion of Constant Contact with Synup creates a transformative environment for review management, enhancing the visibility, engagement, and strategic alignment of your review acquisition efforts, driving superior results and customer interactions.

How to integrate Constant Contact + Synup?

Constant Contact integration for review acquisition is available to all Synup subscribers. To view and manage the integration:

  • Visit the Review acquisition tab on Synup's console.
  • Click on Connect CRM or App Button.
  • Select the Folder or location you want to connect Constant Contact to.
  • Authenticate your CRM.
  • Finish setting up CRM.
  • Create Review acquisitions using contacts from CRM.

Book a demo with a product specialist

To see how Synup can help you Boost online visibility with unique business profiles for each location